Additional Services
Los Angeles Police Department
Los Angeles Fire Department
Los Angeles Sanitation
Contact: https://www.lacitysan.org
Los Angeles Bureau of Streets Services
Contact: http://bss.lacity.org
LA Department of Building and Safety
Contact: http://www.ladbs.org
LA Metro
Contact: https://www.metro.net
MyLA 311 Service Requests
Los Angeles Public Library
Los Angeles Council Districts
Los Angeles City Clerk
Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office
Nichole Butler, Neighborhood Prosecutor Southwest Division: nichole.butler@lacity.org
Neighborhood Council
Representatives: State
California State Assembly
Isaac G. Bryan, District 55: https://a54.asmdc.org
California State Senators
Lola Smallwood-Cuevas, District 28: https://sd28.senate.ca.gov
Representatives: Federal
House of Representatives
Sydnet Kamlager, Congressional Representative District 37: https://kamlager-dove.house.gov
Dianne Feinstein, Senior: https://www.feinstein.senate.gov
Alex Padilla, Junior: https://www.padilla.senate.gov/
Local Assistance
Business Assistance
Los Angeles Economic & Workforce Development Department
1200 West 7th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 744-7300
Community Financial Resource Center (CFRC)
Provides business lending programs, consumer and business development workshops, education and financial literacy training, and technical assistance.
4060 S. Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90037
(323) 233-1900 (Tel)
Email: info@cfrc.net
FAME Assistance Corporation
Offers loan programs, business incubator, technical assistance, and entrepreneurial training.
1968 West Adams Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90018
(323) 730-7720 (Tel)
Los Angeles County Community Development Commission
Serves as the County's affordable housing and community and economic development agency.
2 Coral Circle
Monterey Park, CA 91755
(323) 890-7001 (Tel)
Email: info@lacdc.org
PACE Business Development Center
Provides workforce development, business development, housing development & services and Head Start Program.
1055 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1475
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 353-9400 (Tel)
Email: paceadmin@pacela.org
Valley Economic Development Center (VEDC)
Offers services for small business development, neighborhood economic revitalization, asset building, and job creation.
5121 Van Nuys Blvd., 3rd Floor
Van Nuys, CA 91403
(818) 907-9977 (Tel)
Email: info@vedc.org
Vermont Slauson Economic Development Corporation (VSEDC)
Services provided include business development, housing, commercial and industrial development, technical assistance and training.
5918 S. Vermont Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 753-2335 (Tel)
West Angeles Community Development Corporation
Services and programs include real estate development, homeownership and investment center, small business development, dispute resolution services, and a variety of other community assistance services.
6028 Crenshaw Blvd.
Los Angeles CA, 90043
(323) 751-3440 (Tel)
Email: info@westangelescdc.org
Latino Chamber of Commerce
333 S Grand Ave Suite 3310
Los Angeles, CA 90071
(213) 347-0008
Workforce Development & Training
Los Angeles Hospitality Training Academy
130 South Alvarado Street
Second Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90057
E-mail: info@lahta.org
Veterans AJCC
Bob Hope Patriotic Hall
1816 Figueroa Street, 4th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90015
WorkSource Centers
West Adams Worksource Center
2900 South Crenshar Boulevard
Los Angeles CA 90016
Operated by Los Angeles Economic & Workforce Development Department
Wilshire Metro
3550 Wilshire Boulevard, #500
Los Angeles CA 90010
213-368-0047 TTY
operated by Community Career Development