Continue investing in a clean, safe, walkable, and thriving business community and renew the West Adams Business Improvement District.

Since January 2021, the West Adams Business Improvement District has supported local businesses along West Adams Blvd. Now, it’s time for our BID to go through the renewal process.

Renewal gives property owners in the district an opportunity to vote on whether they want to continue to fund the services provided by the BID.

Claire Lissone, Real Estate Collective & BID Treasurer

“The BID has made a tremendous improvement to the cleanliness of our blvd…The implementation of trash cans plus clean-up service has made a literal 180 on what the streets used to look like. I feel it also has inspired those who litter to use the cans instead of leaving trash in the tree wells or at the curb. We have less graffiti because things are kept clean and when we do, neighbors and other businesses will help call in a 311 removal order as the BID has spent time to inform all that come to the meetings what the city can offer. 

We also have more business and neighborhood involvement. Businesses, new and old have become friendly, and I see businesses using each other’s services. There is a sense of camaraderie. 

We have more work to do, like installing more lighting for safe walking at night. Sidewalk repairs here would do wonders. I hope those can be worked into the budget for our next round!”

Your support at work.

Your assessments have…

  • collected about 15,000 lbs. of garbage monthly, along with weekly street and gutter sweeping.

  • trimmed the 75+ trees within the district boundaries.

  • hosted a Small Business Mixer to encourage collaboration between the district’s businesses. Over 70 people attended.

  • sent monthly e-newsletters with resources and promotional material sent in by the BID’s businesses and properties.

  • hosted quarterly board members and community stakeholder meetings to direct BID efforts.

  • made progress with adding decorative lighting in the district to enhance pedestrian safety as well as add aesthetic value to the sidewalks.

  • made progress in adding the district to the City’s parking meter code that originally excluded the neighborhood.

Click for a preview of our monthly newsletter.


  • A BID (Business Improvement District) is a formally established and recognized 501(c)-(6) non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life in a defined region.

    The West Adams BID is a property-based BID, which means it is funded through special assessments collected from the property owners within the defined boundaries of the district. The assessments fund programs such as: sidewalk cleaning, trash removal, power washing, marketing, beautification, and outreach programs.

    BID services are supplemental to some of the services provided by the City of Los Angeles. If the WABID Management District Plan (MDP) is renewed for another 5-year term, 1/1/2026 – 1/1/2031, the assessment will appear on your property tax bill as a separate line item. The assessment is transferred by the County Assessor to the Los Angeles City Clerk, who then distributes the funds to your BID so they can continue services for you. The City Clerk provides administrative and fiscal oversight for all BIDs. The City Attorney and City Controller also review BID activities.

  • The WABID was formed in 2021 and has provided continuous service to the area along West Adams Blvd. between Hauser and La Brea.

  • The WABID encompasses approximately 22 blocks centered along West Adams Boulevard in Los Angeles between South La Brea Avenue on the east and Hauser Boulevard on the west.

  • Only property owners within the proposed boundaries.

  • You are authorized to vote if you are 1) the property owner, 2) the legal representative of the property owner, or 3) listed on the property title.

  • BID’s operate on a designated life cycle and the WABID’s current five-year life cycle is coming to an end on December 31st, 2025. Renewing will allow us to continue providing services for another term.

  • Each BID forms a Board of Directors comprised of property owners or their official representatives within the BID. The current officers and members of the WABID Board,
    as well as current staff, can be viewed at: The Board holds regular, public meetings and authorizes expenditures for services that must be consistent with the Management District Plan; If you sign up for our newsletter you will receive information on our board meeting dates and times. The information is also posted on our website.

  • BIDs operate primarily in commercial, industrial, and mixed-use areas of cities all over the world, but locally, include districts in Downtown, Mid-Wilshire, Hollywood, the Westside, the Harbor, South LA, and the San Fernando Valley. There are approximately 40 BIDs currently operating in the City of Los Angeles. For more information on Los Angeles BIDs, please check out the City Clerk’s website:

  • BIDs do not replace city services. BIDs provide services above and beyond what the
    city provides to meet the unique needs of dense, urban areas with high use. They
    provide clean and safe services more frequently, consistently, and in more expanded
    versions than the city can provide them.

    It is also important to note that your BID assessment funds services specifically for your property,and it cannot be spent on other areas of the city. BID personnel are located within the BID and can respond in a fraction of the time of most city personnel. In an era where municipal services are increasingly limited, defunded, or reallocated, a BID can provide a consistent level of local service with a fixed budget.