5419 W Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90016
MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2024, 6pm-8pm
I.6:00 pm- Call to Order and Introductions
II. 6:05 pm- Approval of August 5, 2024, Minutes
III. 6:10 pm- Public Comment
This opportunity is reserved for any public comments to the Board pursuant to the Brown Act with the understanding that no action may be taken, nor discussion conducted on topics not on the agenda. It is the Board’s policy that persons in the audience may address the Board in connection with any particular agenda item during the public comment period. As provided by the Brown Act, each individual’s speaking time shall be limited to three minutes. Anyone desiring to speak during the public comment period must use the “raise hand feature” in Zoom and identify themselves to the board.
IV. 6:20 pm- CD10 Update
V. 6:40 pm- LAPD Update
VI. 6: 55 pm- Old Business
a. BID Renewal- Analyzing Proposals and Choosing a Consultant
b. Reliable Housekeeper Update- Nany Ochoa
c. Small Business Mixer Review
VII. 7:15 pm- New Business
a. Annual Planning Report
b. Street Lighting
c. Pedestrian Safety
d. Abandoned Vehicles: Exploring Parking Meters
e. Emergency Preparedness for Businesses- Chinn Thammasaengsri
f. Future of BID Management and Location of BID Manager
VIII. 8:00 pm- Adjournment. Next Meeting, Proposed Date, January 20, 2024, 6pm-8pm